Home » Volleyball Speed and Agility Routine (VIDEO)

Volleyball Speed and Agility Routine (VIDEO)

by WoV
source: reids-workouts.com

Speed and agility training needs to be incorporated into a volleyball players routine. Too many coaches whine about their athletes not moving fluidly... well, do you train them to be fluid moving athletes?

Improving a volleyball players foot speed is actually fairly easy. Pick a few speed and agility drills to perform 2 to 3 times a week. Keep the same speed and agility drills for a 3 week block. Remind the athletes that they need to feel faster each time they go through the routine. 

At the end of the 3 week block, choose a new speed and agility routine. I like to choose at least one speed drill that does not necessary mimic anything related to volleyball, but the focus is moving the feet as fast as possible… Fast Feet T Position is an example of this. I also include speed drills that replicate volleyball specific movement patterns.

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