Home » BRA M: Renan closes doors of national team to Maurício Souza following his homophobic comments

BRA M: Renan closes doors of national team to Maurício Souza following his homophobic comments

by WoV
source: lance.com.br

Maurício Souza’s comment on social media, labeled as homophobic, has even larger implications than a temporary expulsion from the club in which he competes at the moment.

Renan Dal Zotto (Photo: worldleague.2017.fivb.com)

The Brazil National Team head coach Renan Dal Zotto took a stand on the Maurício Souza ‘case’, practically closing the doors on his further playing for ‘Seleção’.

“I was disappointed. This type of conduct by Maurício is unacceptable and I’m radically against any kind of prejudice, homophobia, and racism. When it comes to the Brazilian team, there’s no room for professionals who are homophobic. Above all, I need to have a team and I can’t have this kind of controversy in the group. I’m not just referring to players. It, generally, applies to all professionals,” said Renan.

Thus, after being suspended by his club, Fiat/Gerdau/Minas, the Olympic champion from Rio most probably ended his one-decade-long international career.

Maurício Souza commented on a gesture of homosexual affection in the new Superman comic book, posting an image of Clark Kent’s son Joe kissing a guy following with, what was considered, inappropriate words.

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1 comment

Sorin Acela October 30, 2021 - 7:37 am

Shame on you, Dal Zotto!


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