Home » BRA W: Brazilian ‘gem’ Bergmann rejects all club offers after end of NCAA season to take time off

BRA W: Brazilian ‘gem’ Bergmann rejects all club offers after end of NCAA season to take time off

by WoV

The latest news on the future of the big Brazilian female volleyball prospect, Júlia Bergmann, isn’t tied to playing professionally. At least on a club level…

Julia Bergmann (Photo: oglobo.globo.com)

Bergmann, the standout outside hitter for the Brazil National Team in the most recent FIVB Women’s Volleyball Nations League, appears to have decided to take a break after finishing her college studies and volleyball career at Georgia Tech in the United States.

The 21-year-old player rejected all proposals, which were plenty, from both Brazil and Europe (mostly Italian and Turkish clubs). The intention of the Brazilian ‘gem’ would be to resume activity only with the ‘Seleção’ in view of the 2023 season, which will start with the same VNL that made her known to the volleyball audience worldwide.

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