Home » BRA M: Can anyone beat them? Sada Cruzeiro has 5 out of 5! (VIDEO)

BRA M: Can anyone beat them? Sada Cruzeiro has 5 out of 5! (VIDEO)

by WoV
source: otempo.com.br

Despite finding difficulties in opening and closing set, Sada Cruzeiro managed to win São Bernardo Vôlei-SP in its last match from the sequence of four matches at home in Superliga.

The clash between the leader and the lantern, in the 7th round of Brazilian championship, had expected end. The team from Minas Gerais showed its strength, even with ups and downs – 3-0 (26-24, 25-17, 25-22).

The leading team stays isolated after five games and five wins. Breaking of the invincibility of the current Brazilian champion will remain a premium prize for their opponentsin this season.

Sada Cruzeiro coach Marcelo Mendez could test his squad and let in some of the players who spent less time on the court so far. Joandry Leal and Wallace, for example, were replaced with Kadu (12 points) and Paulo Victor (11 points).

Regular Season / / 7th round

Game Date/Time Teams Set Result per set Stats Videos
  13. 11. 2014 20:00 Sada Cruzeiro Volei VS Sao Bernardo Volei 3:0 26:24; 25:17; 25:22    
  22. 11. 2014 17:00 Vivo / Minas Belo Horizonte VS Volei Brasil Kirin 0:0      
  22. 11. 2014 18:30 Ziober Maringa Volei VS Montes Claros Volei 0:0      
  22. 11. 2014 19:00 UFJF VS Voleisul/Paquetá Esportes 0:0      
  22. 11. 2014 21:30 Volei Canoas VS Sesi-SP 0:0      
  26. 11. 2014 20:00 Taubate/Funvic VS Sao Bernardo Volei 0:0      


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