Home » GER M: Moculescu upset with ARD and ZDF

GER M: Moculescu upset with ARD and ZDF

by WoV
source: swp.de

Stelian Moculescu was upset with ARD and ZDF decision not to make more air time for volleyball on public television. To read more latest volleyball news visit worldofvolley.com


Stelian Moculescu

Instead of talking about big money, they should buy these rights and thus fulfill the legal programming mandate” said Moculescu.

There is no public mandate, which tells us what sports we have to transfer,” commented ZDF sports director Dieter Gruschwitz. “But we try to map the diversity of sport in our programs.

The volleyball players are not the only ones who feel unfairly treated. Thomas Braumann, president of the German Basketball League (BBL) had criticized the public television stations at the edge of the cup final in Berlin, too: “We think it’s still a scandal how little not only basketball, but also Handball, Hockey and other sports are transfered.

ARD sports coordinator Axel Balkausky dismissed the allegations about a lack of air time on public television: “I repudiate against this criticism. This is absurd” said Balkausky.

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