Home » GRE M: Pamvochaikos hammered Panathinaikos

GRE M: Pamvochaikos hammered Panathinaikos

by WoV

Panathinaikos just isn’t that team which was fighting for championship title couple of years ago. Greens again disappointed their fans, Pamvochaikos took the whole package from their home 0-3 (16-25, 22-25, 24-26).

Gerasimos Kanellos

Gerasimos Kanellos


Mark Dusharme and Georgios Kanelos were the main reasons Panathinaikos stayed pointless (and setless by the way) in this match. Tandem of Pamvochaikos scored all together 31 points (16+15). Christos Mplelos collected 11 for the Greens.

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