Beppe Cormio
“Beside Tillie, Toniutti and Klapwijk all with their respective national team, today Koumentakis left for Greece – explained GM Beppe Cormio – He was treated differently than Fragkos who will play on Sunday for Latina. Same thing regarding Germany: they called Kaliberda and fromm, but they left Steuerwald in Vibo. Besides those terrible individual situations, the worst thing is the umpteenth lack of respect shown towards Italian volleyball, which also made some horrible mistakes. The league for example could have started a week earlier, it didn’t because of the World Championships U23, an event in which Italy could not take part because of its ranking”.
It is obvious that this next matches will be tough for Ravenna, do you think it’s fair that this stuff happens? Share your thoughts on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
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