Birarelli is the only player in the current Trentino’s team who will reach 300 after his close friend Andrea Bari who between 2005-2013 has played 339 matches.
Birarelli is playing his eighth season in Trento.
Top ten players who play(ed) in Trentino
1. Andrea Bari 339 matches
2. Emanuele Birarelli 299 (still play)
3. Matey Kaziyski 278 (stil play)
4. Dore Della Lunga 215
5. Massimo Colaci 196 (stil play)
6. Osmany Juantorena 193
7 .Raphael Vieira De Oliveira 182
8. Tsvetan Sokolov 164
9 . Andrea Sala 159
10. Lukasz Zygadlo 147 (stil play)
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