“At this time we do not have any big news to offer, the framework plan will be identical to last year’s. The team is already formed and there will be very few changes, we will continue with stability, while the situation remains unclear about Juantorena, which obviously does not depend on us. From this point of view we have no news, it is a moment of silence, which I hope will soon be transformed into an agreement in our favor. Within a month we will have a clear picture. That is very important, especially concerning a player the caliber of Osmany“.
“The voice of possible arrival of Mastrangelo to Trento has surprised even me, and is the newest journalistic invention that is made up against us in this period” the President clarified the rumors that appeared today in some newspapers. “In modifying or improving our squad we have always been oriented on young players, we did not contact an experienced player like Mastrangelo, who is also an important element of the National team but does not have the characteristics we are seeking. We have a complete blocking part of the team and we don’t need to look for more player.“
“Our viewfinder is now focused on the fourth hitter” Mosna concluded, “A goal that is not urgent, we will take our time because we are looking for an athlete with a very specific set of technical features. Because we want someone that has Kaziyski’s technical characteristics and who is ready to do his best in every practice and be hungry for victories.“