Home » ITA W: Pisani is no longer member of UYBA

ITA W: Pisani is no longer member of UYBA

by WoV
source: dal15al25.gazzetta.it

The captain of Unet Yamamay Busto Arsizio is no longer the member of the club.

Giulia Pisani


Giulia Pisani will not renew the contract with UYBA although she spent the five years in the club.

On the facebook wall, she wrote the farewell letter to fans who supported her during she played for UYBA.

“I just write to you, to all those people who really love me, they really accept me for the person I am, for the emotions that I gave, not for how many points I have made in a game…During these 3 years, after returning many things have changed. Society has changed, some fans, her friends, and has also changed the little girl.Yeah, the little girl who has grown up; which started to open their eyes and understand many things both positive and negative.This year I think it was the ‘most difficult year of my career…Well, what to say, I want to thank you for these five years of my life in which some people have really helped me to grow, they really made me mature and relieved when things were not going…My path ends here with this shirt and my future is still uncertain.”

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