All Star Game
Bergamo has responded with great enthusiasm to the event organized by Lega Volleyball Serie A Femminile and Master Group Sport, in which the Italian stars were better than foreign at the Samsung Galaxy Volley Cup.
All stars of Italy – Rest of the World 2-1 (25-21 17-25 19-17)
ALL STARS OF ITALY: Malinov 1, Loda 7, Chirichella 1, Egonu 7, Marcon 2, Stufi 4, Sirressi (L), Mingardi 7, Ortolani 3, Cambi 2, Bonifacio 2, Spirito (L), Bosetti, Caracuta. N. E: Sorokaite. Coach: Mazzanti.
REST OF THE WORLD: Stevanovic 7, Carlini, Bartsch 1, Heyrman 6, Haak 8, Hill 4, Leonardi (L), De Kruijf 6, Nizetich 4, Hancock 3, Scuka 1, Tomsia 1, Parrocchiale (L), Papafotiou. Coach: Fenoglio.
All Star Game
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