WoV interview
As we announced yesterday, on Monday, 14th March, WorldofVolley will make the first Twitter interview! Our guest will be one of the best liberos in the world, European champion and World League winner with France – Jennia Grebennikov.
He is currently playing in Serie A1 in Lube Civitanova. Before joining the Italian team, he played in German Friedrichshafen for two seasons. To see his trophy room, stats, teams etc, visit his profile Jennia Grebennikov.
So, get ready to talk with a member of Lube Civitanova. The Twitter interview will start on Monday at 21:00 (C.E.T.) and will last for half an hour – 21:30 (C.E.T.).
You will be able to ask Jennia whatever you want using hashtag #WoVChat! Don’t forget to read #WoVChat RULES!
In case you are having difficulties to convert time zones, we will help you.
Tuesday, 14 March, 21:00 (C.E.T. – Paris)
Wednesday, 15 March, 05:00 (JST, Tokyo (Japan)
Tuesday, 14 March, 13:00 (PDT, Seattle, Washington (USA)
Tuesday, 14 March 23:00 (MSK, Moscow (Russia))
To convert time zones click here.
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