Iran’s superior service provided the big threat in the match, packing unforgiving power into their serves, and leaving the Sri Lankan receivers with neither time nor position to dig. The Sri Lankan side tried to play to their opponents’ level as they served up some aces. They also benefitted from their rivals’ errors, but this was merely a remedy rather than a solution for Sri Lanka’s less aggressive attacks.
The Sri Lankan girls stepped up in the second set with P.K.Lakashani and M.Thaksala combining their attacking efforts. They likewise firmed up their blocking efforts, scoring a total of eight points from their net defence. But Iran played up a more aggressive brand of offense. Amini and Talebi crafted uncompromising attacks that powered the Iranian squad to a successful second set.
Iran looked listless for a while, losing points to the Sri Lankans due to errors. They even lagged behind at the 9-12 count. But they later regained their composure and resumed their power plays. Karimi scored the most points for the Iranian team, contributing a total of 15 markers.
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