Home » SKRA IS BACK: Wlazly & co. conquered Ergo Arena and tied score – 1:1!

SKRA IS BACK: Wlazly & co. conquered Ergo Arena and tied score – 1:1!

by WoV
source: Photo: przegladsportowy.pl

PGE Skra Belchatow has managed to tie the score in series (1:1) of the Plusliga’s playoff semifinals! They beat Lotos Trefl Gdansk in Ergo arena in front of 11,000 fans 3-1 (25-18, 16-25, 28-26, 25-22).

Skra vs. Lotos Trefl

Skra vs. Lotos Trefl

The scoring run of away side has started with Wlazly’s strong serves (7-4)! Since that moment, Skra controlled the game and after a few points on both sides, away team managed to increase the lead (17-11).

Anastasi tried to give some advices during the time out but it didn’t help. Skra ended the first set with 25-18.

Home team had to respond quickly and they did it. Grzyb’s serves simply destroyed the reception of the rival and Gawryszewski’s attacks from zone 2 were superb!

After 12-8 lead, Anastasi’s side had 15-11 and 19-13. Away team couldn’t make comeback and had to surrender 25-16.

Skra opened the third set with good scoring runs (5-2, 8-4, 12-6). But, Anastasi managed to wake up his team by taking time out.

Away side got the first set point but Troy Murphy saved it. After two more set points, Wlazly was the man who scored point for taking the third part of the game 28-26!

The fourth set was very uncertain until the very end! Skra was creating much better attack and home’s defense couldn’t stop them! Falasca’s side had four set points and they managed to use the third after mistake of Mateusz Mika.

Mariusz Wlazly scored 21 and on the other side Troy Murphy had the same number of points.


Game Date/Time Teams Set Result per set Stats Videos
1st game 07. 03. 2015 14:45 PGE Skra Bełchatów vs Lotos Trefl Gdańsk 2:3 25:22; 30:32; 25:21; 22:25; 10:15 STAT  
2nd game 14. 03. 2015 18:00 Lotos Trefl Gdańsk vs PGE Skra Bełchatów 1:3 18:25; 25:16; 26:28; 22:25 soon  
3rd game 18. 03. 2015 18:00 PGE Skra Bełchatów vs Lotos Trefl Gdańsk 0:0      


Game Date/Time Teams Set Result per set Stats Videos
1st game 08. 03. 2015 14:45 Asseco Resovia Rzeszów vs KS Jastrzębski Wegiel 3:1 25:16; 22:25; 25:20; 25:21 STAT  
2nd game 17. 03. 2015 20:30 KS Jastrzębski Wegiel vs Asseco Resovia Rzeszów 0:0      
3rd game 20. 03. 2015 18:00 Asseco Resovia Rzeszów vs KS Jastrzębski Wegiel 0:0      

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skra March 14, 2015 - 11:35 pm

Lets go Skraaa!!!


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