Home » WCH M: Spiridonov denies spitting – “One moron said that…”

WCH M: Spiridonov denies spitting – “One moron said that…”

by WoV
source: Photo: fivb.org

Alexey Spiridonov stated for Russian media that he has not spat on any Polish fan.




“Spitting? I can just tell that this is an imagination of a raving lunatic. One moron said that I spat on a fan, and all the others just spread the info” said Spiridonov for gazeta.ru.


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Bąkiewicz September 20, 2014 - 10:25 am

This Spiridonov had to be banned by the FIVB. Fined Brazilians who did nothing because they do not act hard on this sad example of player ?! There is no logic! My children estam forbidden to see games from Russia!

Mike September 20, 2014 - 12:29 pm

Spirik is my bro! That move is totally expected from him! But come on, it’s Spirik. We have to forgive him. He brings to volleyball something new…

renan dal zotto September 20, 2014 - 9:31 pm

The press and the championship organization creating embarrassing situations for opposing teams from Poland. Maybe the last championship fivb in the country.

question September 21, 2014 - 11:03 am

renan oh poor frustrated spamer booing and having fun of russians doesn’t change this championship, the best organization in history, fair, every team must win to go next round unlike to previous champs what was shame lose purposely to eliminate other stronger team ;))

Norasi September 21, 2014 - 2:42 pm

Maybe organization was good, but it is the most scandal championship. Forba lor of things.

norasi September 21, 2014 - 3:30 pm

scandal made by spiridonov and rezende? it was more interesting. so colourfull, i heard rezende behawior was planned to wake his team up that everyone is against them. one journalist said that who is close friend to bernardo, his new strategy. bernardo can do everything even poop on field and blame everybody for that to make his team win. to mobilize his team.


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