Home » TURNAROUND – Players deny that Omichka repaid debts

TURNAROUND – Players deny that Omichka repaid debts

by WoV
source: rsport.ru; Photo: rsport.ru

Shortly after the club has announced that all debts have finally been paid, some players went public and denied that info.



First of all, Nataliya Mammadova stated that Omichka has paid her only part of the debt.

“Club has paid me 95.000 Euros, but the full debt was 170.910 Euros. Therefore, they still owe me 75.910 Euros. And that money must be paid until November 26. If that does not happen than club will certainly receive some penalties. And, management of Omichka is aware of this. They have received the notice from the court” said Mamadova for rsport.ru.

Olga Fateeva also announced that club still owes her some money:

“They have paid me more than half of the debt, but not the full. As far as I know club has promised that they will pay the rest of the money until the end of the year” said Fateeva for rsport.ru. 


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