Home » RUS M: Building of new “Belogorie Arena“ got suspended

RUS M: Building of new “Belogorie Arena“ got suspended

by WoV
source: championat.com; Photo: mkoinov.livejournal.com

Fans of Belogorie Belgorod were hoping that they will watch their favorite players in the new gymnasium in the next season, but it is not going to happen.

Belogorie Arena

Belogorie Arena

Authorities of the Belgorod Region have suspended the building of “Belogorie Arena” due to lack of funding from the federal budget. The new gymnasium should have been a co-financed by regional and federal budget.

The estimated value of work on the venue with a capacity of 10,000 spectators is 4 billion rubles (59 million dollars) and it started in May 2015. It was originally planned to be opened either in late 2016 or in 2017. Obviously, second option is more suitable at the moment.


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