Home » RUS W: Russian doctor accuses legendary coach Karpol for providing doping to players!

RUS W: Russian doctor accuses legendary coach Karpol for providing doping to players!

by WoV
source: stolica-s.su; Photo: Никита УСПЕНСКИЙ/sport-express.ru

Doping and Russian sport, including volleyball, have been associated so many times this year. Nevertheless, another doping related scandal in the Russian volleyball has appeared.



Well-known sports physician Viktor Ruseykin spoke about the role of doctors in doping scandal in Rusaian sports and also on the refusal to cooperate with the legendary volleyball coach Nikolay Karpol.

“The question is more political, so you cannot blame everything on the sports doctors. The fish rots from the head, so it’s a stone in the garden of the country’s leaders. Doctors don’t rule the country… If the coach names a particular medication, the doctor implicitly carries out his requirement. And then comes doping. Doctors should give medications, not coaches. Only in this case there’s an order in sports medicine,” some Russian media published Ruseykin’s statement to stolica-s.su.

“But not all of sports have acted honestly, hence the scandals. For instance, I was called by former head coach of the Women’s Volleyball National team of Russia, Nikolay Karpol, to join him. A very eminent expert! I remember that we met at the Sports Center in Alushta. Karpol came to me: ‘I heard a lot about you, let’s work together.’ I replied bluntly: ‘I’m sorry, but I also heard too much about you, so I will not work with you. You provide doping to the girls, plant hormones, and I can’t stand this.’ He offered me a large salary, but the doctor’s honor is more expensive… A doctor is obliged to inform the Anti-Doping Commission about all medications used in the treatment of the players. Moreover, to inform it immediately, rather than bring the matter to the scandal,” Russian sports physician said, among other things.

Recall that, on July 18, World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Commission published a report on the results of investigations regarding allegations of the former head of Moscow’s anti-doping laboratory, Grigoriy Rodchenkov, who stressed the existence of state doping system in Russia.

WADA recommended International Olympic Committee (IOC) to suspend the entire Russian Olympic Team from participating at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

On July 24, The IOC Executive Board has decided not to suspend the entire Russian team from the Olympics, giving the right to all international federations to determine which Russian athletes will be able to perform at the Games.


For more news from this country click on Russia.

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y tho October 11, 2016 - 3:32 pm

‘I also heard too much about you’
oh ok


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