Alexey Spiridonov
“I am on Twitter usually when I have a free time. I like Twitter more than Instagram because there you can find news. You can answer to someone, talk about serious topics. It attracts me and fixes my mood. Well, on Twitter you can find all about the events firsthand. TV is no longer needed in our time, everything is on Twitter. I only turn on the TV to watch “Match TV”. And Zichkin leads the morning programs and I write to him asking – “Man, do you sleep ever?”. I am a friend of Kafelnikov, we both support Spartak. We hang out sometimes, talking about football. We love to write everything on Twitter. We have formed a good tandem. Some important persons blocked us. People don’t understand us. We don’t want to humiliate anyone, we just trolling. And we receive some rude things about our family. These people believe that they can laugh at anyone, but if anyone tries to make some jokes about them, they get angry. These are weak people. Only strong people can take a joke in a good way. I like to laugh at myself, why not! When someone writes something funny about me, I can even add something funnier on my account,” explains Spiridonov.
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