TED Kolejliler – Fenerbahce
Fenerbahce started with Miljkovic, Soner, Ahmet Toçoğlu, Depestele, Turgay, Kemal, TED Kolejliler‘s starting line-up was Çağlar Aksoy, Ali Çayır, Niyazi, Dusharme, Mustadenovic, Alper.
The hosts managed to win the first set after a great battle 36:34, after that Fenerbahce won the next two (21:25, 19:25).
In the fourth set there was a verbal dueal between Ali Cayir and Ahmet Tocoglu, and the referee gave them yellow cards. Fenarbahce also won this set 30:32 to win the match 1:3.
The game lasted for 131 minutes.
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