Home » TUR M: Undisciplined setter removed from Fenerbahçe’s squad

TUR M: Undisciplined setter removed from Fenerbahçe’s squad

by WoV
source: voleybolunsesi.com; Photo: milliyet.com.tr

The setter of Fenerbahçe, Arslan Ekşi, was removed from the squad by the decision of the coach Daniel Castellani, writes voleybolunsesi.com.

Arslan Ekşi

Arslan Ekşi

The Turkish team announced an official statement on this matter.

“The coach Daniel Castellani left Arslan Ekşi out of the squad because of players’ lack of discipline during Fenerbahçe matches,” publishes the team from Istanbul.

It was added that Fenerbahçe’s Board of Directors will decide on the necessary sanctions for Ekşi and the official announcement will be made in the upcoming period.


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laboheme May 2, 2015 - 9:27 pm

This is not the first time . Same was happened before. When Demeter was our coach .


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