Home » TUR M: Tokat Plevne hired Cuban spiker

TUR M: Tokat Plevne hired Cuban spiker

by WoV

Tokat Plevne from the Turkish Men’s Volleyball 1st League has hired Cuban spiker for the upcoming season.

Luis Sanchez Salgado


They have signed with Jorge Luis Sanchez Salgado which is the 8th new player in the club for the 2015/2016 season.

The 30-year-old Jorge played as a libero for the Cuban Men’s National Team. He was a member of the national squad that claimed the bronze medal at the 2007 Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Last season he was training with Effector Kielce in Poland.


To stay in touch with the latest transfers check out Transfers 2015-2016 page.

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