China at press
The best scorer of the match Zhu Ting after the match said: “Everyone in the team played well, not just the starters. All 14 players played well. I am recovered from a foot injury I had previously”
Chinese player Ni Yan: “Everybody played brilliantly. I feel very proud. I am in love with this team. Before the match we received many instructions in practice that had an effect and worked well. Both our young and old players played well and helped each other.“
Chinese coach Jenny Lang Ping: “It was a touch match. Russia played well. In the end we were able to grasp the chances. It’s to early to rejoice because we have a match tomorrow. It was an important match so I used more experienced players and the young players. The last three matches are important, so I have been treating them like a quarterfinal, semifinal and final.”
China captain Chunlei Zeng: “I’m very happy to have won. The last two sets were tough. I’m very proud. What we achieved by becoming united was a great thing. Tomorrow is the last game so we have to keep calm and play seriously. Experienced players have ups and downs, it’s important to follow each other. Technically I receive support from the young player and that spirit is important.”
You can see the full schedule of the World Cup 2015 HERE.
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