See your doctor if you have any medical conditions, illnesses or injuries
Equipment needed:
A chair, ball or bench
How To:
– Begin with a 5-10 minute warm up of light cardio (walking in place, etc.)
– Hold each stretch for 10-30 seconds and repeat for 1-3 times.
– Perform these stretches after a workout for best results
– Avoid any exercises that cause pain or discomfort
Quad stretch
Stand and hold onto a wall for balance if needed. Grab the top of the right foot and bend your knee, bringing the foot towards the buttocks, knee pointing straight at the floor. You should feel a stretch right down the front of your leg. Squeeze your hips forward for a deeper stretch. Switch sides.
Hamstring stretch
Take your left foot forward and tip from the hips, keeping the back flat. Lower down until you feel a stretch in the back of the leg. Repeat on the other side.
Chest and shoulder stretch
Sit or stand and clasp your hands together behind your back, arms straight. Lift your hands towards the ceiling, going only as high as is comfortable. You should feel a stretch in your shoulders and chest.
Upper back
Clasp your hands together in front of you and round your back, pressing your arms away from your body to feel a stretch in your upper back.
Biceps stretch
Take your arms out to the sides, slightly behind you, with the thumbs up (as in The Fonz). Rotate your thumbs down and back until they are pointing to the back wall to stretch the biceps.
Shoulder stretch
Take right arm straight across your chest and curl the left hand around your elbow, gently pulling on the right arm to deepen the stretch in the shoulders. Switch sides.
Side stretch
Sitting or standing, clasp your hands straight up overhead, palms facing the ceiling. Gently lower to the right side until you feel a stretch down your left side. Switch sides and repeat.
Triceps stretch
Bend the left elbow behind your head and use the right hand to gently pull the left elbow in further until you feel a stretch in your triceps. Switch sides and repeat.
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