Home » Official volleyball rules PART 37: Referees – line judges

Official volleyball rules PART 37: Referees – line judges

by WoV
source: fivb.org; photo: fivb.org

Besides the two main referees, in volleyball we also have a scorer, assistant scorer and line judges.

line judges

line judges



If only two line judges are used, they stand at the corners of the court closest to the right hand of each referee, diagonally at 1 to 2 m from the corner.

Each one of them controls both the end line and side line on his/her side.

For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, it is compulsory tohave four line judges.

They stand in the free zone at 1 to 3 m from each corner of thecourt, on the imaginary extension of the line that they control.


27.2.1 The line judges perform their functions by using flags (40 x 40 cm), to signal: the ball ”in” and “out” whenever the ball lands near their line(s); the touches of “out” balls by the team receiving the ball; the ball touching the antenna, the served ball and the third hit of the team crossing the net outside the crossing space, etc.; any player (except the server) stepping outside of his/her court at the moment of the service hit; the foot faults of the server; any contact with the top 80 cm of the antenna on their side of the court by any player during his/her action of playing the ball or interfering with the play; the ball crossing the net outside the crossing space into the opponent’s court or touching the antenna on his/her side of the court.

27.2.2 At the 1st referee’s request, a line judge must repeat his/her signal.

PREVIOUS, PART 36: Referees – assistant scorer

NEXT, PART 38: Referees – official signals


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