Joanna Wolosz is a new member of Imoco. After two seasons in Chemik Police she returned to Italy where she wore the jersey of Yamamay Busto Arsizio.
The 27-year-old setter with Chemik Police has won the last two championships of Poland as well as two National Cups and the Polish Super Cup.
“I am very happy to return to Italy. Two years ago when I finished my two-year contract in Busto I knew that I left a part of me in Italy. I always thought I’d like to eventually get back. In 2015 I decided to return to Poland because Chemik is the number one team in my country and we wanted to get the highest result in the Champions League. In the end it was difficult to get to the top in Europe, but I am satisfied because we won two titles and the National cups in Poland. Now I can continue to make my dreams come true, I can go back to Italy and I’m really happy for the choice, Conegliano is one of the best Italian teams and even in Europe. ” said new “Pantera”.
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