How does it feel to beat Brazil in their country in front of their fans and do you think it was a turning point for your team on the Final Six?
“Definitively yes, it was a very important moment for us in the tournament. We realized that if we were able to beat Brazil in front of all their fans, everything was possible. I’m very proud of it, we played our best volleyball on this game and we deserved this victory.”
In your opinion, what was the quality that separated France from other teams on F6?
“It was our team spirit. We are all like one, on and off the court, and I think that it made a huge difference.”
Since you was the best scorer of France in three out of four games on F6, would you say that those were your best performances since you play for France?
“They were clearly some of the best, although I’ve performed in other competitions with the national team before. Of course, it’s such an accomplishment for me to finish the competition as the best scorer of the Final Six, but I keep going to give my best on the court in every competition.”
You often post funny pictures and videos of you and your teammates on social networks? Would you say that you are the main prankster in the national team and who else likes to joke there?
“As I told you, we are like friends and the most of all, we like to share our volleyball experience with all the fans that follow us on the social networks. Everybody likes to make joke in this team, there’s a time for it and a time to be serious and focused. But don’t you worry, the team #yavbou still has a lot of ideas for pictures and videos to share with you guys! Stay tuned!” Rouzier finished an interview for WorldofVolley in his style.
If you want to watch any of the videos from this year’s edition of the World League, or matches from the World League 2014 and World League 2013, visit our WoVVideo section or simply click on WL 2015, WL 2014 and WL 2013!
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