Do Vakifbank have a chance to participate at the World Club Championship? Did you apply for a wild card?
“We would be happy to participate! I think we deserved it after what we did in Europe in the last 5 years.”
What do you think about the final phase system of the Turkish league? Do you prefer playoffs instead?
“I prefer normal playoff! It is very challenging to play many matches against the same team and you have to push till the end.”
If you could pick any player in the world, what would be your starting line-up?
“I would pick Vakıfbank starting six to win Champions League and Dutch National Team to win European Championship :)”
What do you think about Naz (Aydemir)? You think she got used to play the style of a modern volleyball setter?
“I think she is really a good modern setter. Very talented physically, very talented in setting, clever and hard worker.”
You are coach of Vakıfbank for so long, how long will you stay?
“I am very lucky to coach one of the best clubs in the world. So, I’m not really searching for changes.”
What do you think about Gizem Örge?
“She did a great season and she will certainly keep improving herself. She is, for sure, the best libero in Turkey!”
Next season Vakıfbank will have less foreign players, is this your choice or from the club? Isn’t it a bit too risky?
“We always choose together. There are always some risks but I like very much our team for the next season.”
Any thoughts on Zhu Ting? Did you insist on signing her? Btw, Chinese fans are more than happy she ended up with Vakıfbank.
“I believe, and not only me, she is now one of the best on position 4 in the world! So we are very lucky she chose Vakif! We are also very happy, she is one of the best in the world and I hope we can make her even better.”
Next season Vakıfbank will play at their own gymnasium. Any chances to get the Final Four of the Champions League?
“I don’t think our gymnasium will be big enough for such event but I am sure it will be one of the best gyms in the world.”
What do you think about Vakıfbank ‘s current line-up? We missed to win the Champions League. Eczacıbaşı have a crazy staff, star players.
“Winning Champions League is not easy! Even staying always in F4 is difficult! ‘Eczaci’ took many stars but ‘Vakif’ are also strong!”
The best win in your career?
“Tough question! Going to the Olympic is something special. Winning CL is great just like the silver medal at the European Championship.”
Which teams do you think will make it to the Final 4 in Rio (Olympics)?
“Theoretically, Brasil, USA, China and Russia… But pay attention to Serbia… and to The Netherlands :)!”
Defense or offense? Which is more important in today’s volleyball?
“I am always more worried by teams that have a very good block and defense system. But also from those who have quick attack.”
The most challenging thing in taking over Dutch NT was?
“When I have to leave at home one player that worked hard all summer… This is the hardest.”
What do you think about Vakıfbank replacements? And Jamie Morrison?
“Vakıfbank for next year is very strong! I like our team. And Jamie is a great coach that is teaching me a lot.”
You are a good coach but when you underestimate a team you don’t have success against that team. Like Pomì, Galatasaray… Why?
“Believe me, I never underestimate anyone! We prepare for every opponent in same way. It is volleyball/sport: sometimes unpredictable.”
What do you think about being father soon 🙂 We will miss Bahar (Toksoy) on court. Hope she will come back as soon as possible…
“I am very excited! Bahar is very excited, too! And I am sure she will be back in the court soon and stronger!”
Do you prefer playing with emotions or playing with a plan?
“You need a great plan to play with emotions :)”
What style of volleyball do you enjoy watching?
“I love quick volleyball! Thailand are amazing! USA play great, China are also very fun, I like Brasil.”
Why are you still calling me ‘Nuts’ instead of Naz?
“Disagree :)! My pronunciation is basically perfect :)”
What do u think about ‘Mile’ (Milena Rašić)? Her game is fantastic every year. Are you going to keep her in team for many years?
“I totally agree with you! She is great attacker, great blocker, great server and great worker!”
What do you think about Gözde (Kırdar)? She is a great captain.
“Amazing captain! Really great captain! In the words and in the actions!” Guidetti concluded.
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