Home » Official volleyball rules PART 5: Facilities and equipment – net and posts

Official volleyball rules PART 5: Facilities and equipment – net and posts

by WoV
source: fivb.org

Do you know all the rules about volleyball net?

volleyball net

volleyball net


2.1.1 Placed vertically over the centre line there is a net whose top is set at the height of 2.43 m for men and 2.24 m for women.

2.1.2 Its height is measured from the centre of the playing court. The net height (over the two side lines) must be exactly the same and must not exceed the official height by more than 2 cm.


The net is 1 m wide and 9.50 to 10 metres long (with 25 to 50 cm on each side of the side bands), made of 10 cm square black mesh.For FIVB, World and Official Competitions, in conjunction withspecific competition regulations, the mesh may be modified tofacilitate advertising according to marketing agreements.

At its top a horizontal band, 7 cm wide, made of two-fold white canvas, is sewn along its full length. Each extreme end of the band has a hole, through which passes a cord, fastening the band to the posts for keeping its top taut.Within the band, a flexible cable fastens the net to the posts and keeps its top taut.

At the bottom of the net there is another horizontal band, 5cm wide, similar to the top band, through which is threaded a rope. This rope fastens the net to the posts and keeps its lower part taut.


Two white bands are fastened vertically to the net and placed directly above each side line.

They are 5 cm wide and 1 m long and are considered as part of the net.


An antenna is a flexible rod, 1.80 m long and 10 mm in diameter, made of fibreglass or similar material.

An antenna is fastened at the outer edge of each side band. Theantennae are placed on opposite sides of the net.

The top 80 cm of each antenna extends above the net and is marked with 10 cm stripes of contrasting colour, preferably red and white.

The antennae are considered as part of the net and laterally delimit the crossing space.


2.5.1 The posts supporting the net are placed at a distance of 0.50-1.00 m outside the side lines. They are 2.55 m high and preferably adjustable.

For all FIVB, World and Official Competitions, the posts supporting the net are placed at a distance of 1 m outside the side lines.

2.5.2 The posts are rounded and smooth, fixed to the ground without wires.

There shall be no dangerous or obstructing devices.


All additional equipment is determined by FIVB regulations.


PREVIOUS, PART 4: Facilities and equipment – playing area

NEXT, PART 6:  Facilities and equipment – balls.


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1 comment

Juha Knuutila June 17, 2016 - 12:01 pm

The antenna in the picture is not proper! Antenna is in the middle of side band, it should be at outer end 🙂


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