Ciclista – Untref
After a very tough weekend, with matches that were defined in tie break, UNTreF has won the series 2-0.
Ciclista will try to get two victories to force the fifth game in AFALP.
The third final match will be played on Saturday at 21:30 and, if necessary, on Sunday at the same time.
Schedule of matches
Stadium: Vicente Rosales – La Banda (Santiago del Estero)
Saturday March 3, 2012
21:30 h Ciclista Olimpico vs. UNTreF Voley
Referees: Benedetti G. – Berterreix R.
Sunday March 4, 2012 (Conditional match)
21:30h Cyclista Olimpico vs. UNTreF Voley
Referees: J. Mendoza – Benedetti G.