Home » ARG M: UPCN takes setter from its greatest rival!

ARG M: UPCN takes setter from its greatest rival!

by WoV
source: somosvoley.com; Photo: fm10bolivar.com.ar

The Argentine title holder UPCN San Juan Vóley is becoming ever stronger for the next season.

Axel Jacobsen

Axel Jacobsen

According to „Diario de Cuyo“ and trasnferred by somosvoley.com, the Bulgarian Todor Aleksiev (came instead of German Marcus Popp) is not going to be the only reinforcement of UPCN.

The members of two national teams, Argentina and Denmark, have also arrived – the middle blocker Pablo Guzmán (Boca) and setter Axel Jacobsen (Personal Bolívar).

It is confirmed that Brazilian Ualas returned home while UPCN negotiates with the trio – Filardi, Ramos and Garrocq for their contract extentions.


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