Home » FRA M: Rebirth of Tours continues, Heynen’s side claim leadership

FRA M: Rebirth of Tours continues, Heynen’s side claim leadership

by WoV
source: lnv.fr; Photo: facebook.com/toursvolleyball

Renaissance of Tours Volley-Ball upon arrival of coach Vital Heynen continues.



The side of Belgian expert defeated Montpellier Volley U.C. on road, in four sets, partially 25-21, 25-18, 16-25, 25-17).

Since Heynen took over French champions, they started to achieve win after win having 10 in a row at one points. With the newest victory, Tours claimed leadership in the standings!

By scoring 14 points each, the Czech David Konečný and Serbian Konstantin Čupković led Tours. In Montpellier, Austrian Philip Schneider had 19 points.


To see standings, results, stats, videos, etc, visit our page FRA National Championship 2015/2016 M.

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