Home » GER M: Bundesliga to award wildcards for next season, non-existing team first to start procedure

GER M: Bundesliga to award wildcards for next season, non-existing team first to start procedure

by WoV
source: volleyball-bundesliga.de; Photo: messehusum.de

German men’s volleyball Championship Bundesliga introduces not so often used method of filling in national league – a wildcard.

Husum trade fair venue

Husum trade fair venue

Two months ago, Bundesliga issued wildcard award procedure which already caused an interesting situation. A few enthusiasts from the city of Husum decided to grab this opportunity with both hands and establish totally new senior team to compete in the German top division. The team would be named WattVolleys.

Husum does not lack volleyball tradition since there is a senior team TSV Husum 1875, participating in low-rank leagues, as well as youth categories on which they are especially proud.

As volleyball enthusiasts from Husum claim, they are ready to fulfill strict requirements for competing in Bundesliga like financial stability and proper gymnasium. Thus, they started the pre-licensing procedure and must succeed in their work until April 1 when is the deadline for submitting the final application for the wildcard. First step of the club officials will be to turn Husum trade fair venue into volleyball arena.


See other news from Germany.

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