Abbondanza mostly relied on Stufi, Wilson, Berg and Pavan. On the other side, Parisi gave confidence to Havelkova, Marcon, Dall’Ora and Bauer.
First set
At the beging of the first set, Yamamay Busto Arsizio took the lead of 0:3 with the attack of Bauer and Havelkova. MC-Carnaghi reacted and Wilson evened the result (3:3). However, Marcon and Havelkova, took the lead for Yamamay. Lloyd stopped Caterina Bosetti (12:15) and Havelkova blocked Pavan (13:17). Then Villa Cortese thanks to Cruz lowered the difference (15:18). With Havlickova (17:21) and the block of Marcon on Stufi Yamamay got to 17:24. Then the error of Cruz in attack closed the set in favor of Yamamay 17:25.
Second set
Yamamay was better also in 2. set. Havlickova and Havelkova secured the advantage for their team (9:14). Lucia Bosetti and her teammates could not lower the difference in score, because of the excellent attack of Havlickova (15:21), Bauer and Lloyd (16:24). Havlickova scored the decisive point and Yamamy closed the set with 16:25.
Third set
In 3. set Yamamay at start took the lead thanks to Havlickova and Havelkova (2:7). Abbondanza replaced Berg for Pincerato and MC-Carnaghi improved the result. Then Pavan evened the score (9:9). However, Villa did not use the favorable moment and Busto Arsizio again took the advantage with Lloyod and Havelkova (10:14). The parallel of Havlickova and the attack of Bauer launched Yamamay to the ultimate success of 17:25.
67. Women’s Volleyball Championsih A1 – Play Off
Finals: Game 3
MC-Carnaghi Villa Cortese – Yamamay Busto Arsizio 0:3 (17:25, 16:25, 17:25) 1:2 in the series
MC-CARNAGHI VILLA CORTESE: Stufi 4, Perinelli, Berg, Pavan 10, Cruz 6, L. Bosetti 4, Pincerato, Barborkova 1, C. Bosetti 2, Wilson 11, Puerari (L)
Did not enter: Carocci, Guiggi
YAMAMAY BUSTO ARSIZIO: Lloyd 5, Havlickova 23, Dall’Ora 3, Leonardi (L), Marcon 7, Bauer 12, Havelkova 11, Pisani 3, Bisconti
Did not enter: Meijners, Lotti, Caracuta
Coach: Parisi
REFEREES: Pol, Puecher
NOTES – set duration: 28 ‘, 26’, 25 ‘, tot: 79’