Home » ITA: „Mamma mia“! Maestro De Cecco changes setting direction in a split second (VIDEO)

ITA: „Mamma mia“! Maestro De Cecco changes setting direction in a split second (VIDEO)

by WoV
source: instagram.com/voleyvideo

For some it was upset, for the others it was a logical sequence of events... However, Sir Safety Conad Perugia knocked out Cucine Lube Banca Marche Civitanova from Italian playoff semifinals.


A video posted by Voleyvideo (@voleyvideo) onApr 25, 2016 at 4:08am PDT


When you see moves like Aaron Russell’s or this one from Luciano De Cecco, it will even be more logical.

The Argentine setter was mastermind of Perugia, as always. In decisive moments of the first set of Game 4, De Cecco was dragging Lube defense in direction for 1st tempo setting, but then… he changed decision in a split second by rotating his body and set to Russell for 3-meter spike, leaving him without a block! Even commentator had to say: „Mamma mia!“

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The Hoff April 25, 2016 - 2:45 pm

What a teamplay! That`s how you should play in transition!
Russell is anticipating that the way for the pipe is barred by Atanasijevic and goes for backrow 1 instead. Great vision by both, De Cecco and Russell!

soledad April 25, 2016 - 3:21 pm

que buen punto! terrible… Luciano es un armador de aquellos… Orgullo Argentino!!!

seokheon April 26, 2016 - 3:24 am

Mamma mia!!


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