Home » ITA W: Bologna and Giaveno challenge Cannes and Prostejov

ITA W: Bologna and Giaveno challenge Cannes and Prostejov

by WoV
source: volleyball.it

Idea 2002 Bologna, Banca Reale Yoyogurt Giaveno, Racing Club Cannes, Prostejov will play in the tournament in Sanremo, dedicated to the memory of Dado Tessitore. Rasic and Mihajlovic play for Cannes, Elisa Togut for Giavno.


Idea Volley 2002 Bologna – team

Four teams with great players will meet on this tournament. Serbian players Rasic and Mihajlovic play for Cannes, Elisa Togut For Giaveno. Many players that were European champions will also play on the 20th Dado Tessitore tournament.

The formula for the tournament is the same as it has been in recent years, two games the first day, on the second day the semifinals, and on the third the final game.

On friday two games will be played, CannesGiaveno (17:30), and ProstejovBologna (20:30)

On Saturday the semifinals will be played at 15:15 and 17:30.

The final game, and the third place game are scheduled for Sunday at 14:30 and 16:30. The start times of the games are local.

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