Home » IRN M: Turnaround – Anastasi close to take over Iran NT

IRN M: Turnaround – Anastasi close to take over Iran NT

by WoV
source: Photo: twitter.com

About two weeks ago, president of Iranian Volleyball Federation Mohammad-Reza Davarzani confirmed for the local media that they have an agreement with Lorenzo Bernardi to take over national team.

Andrea Anastasi

Andrea Anastasi

Meanwhile, yesterday you could read about the coach from Argentina with whom IFV has been negotiated.

Today, we have a new official announcement. Former head coach of Polish national team Andrea Anastasi wrote on his Twitter profile about this topic.

“Yes, I’m in contact with the Iranian Volleyball Federation. But, honestly, I’m not head coach of Iran right now. What will happen in the future, I don’t know. I’m ready for any challenge” says Anastasi.

Also, the Iranian Volleyball Federation confirmed that they are negotiating with Anastasi and they are close to the agreement.

So, we have to confess, this is a little bit confusing. Our conclusion is that Bernardi deal false through. So, Anastasi is the closest to take over Iranian national team


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