Home » Libero tried to spike, no one could find ball afterward (VIDEO)

Libero tried to spike, no one could find ball afterward (VIDEO)

by WoV
source: Spotv

This is why liberos are not allowed to spike. The ball went right into the clouds.

The video comes from Korean All-Star 2015. It was really a spectacular event.    


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AXE January 25, 2015 - 2:35 pm

What did I tell you? Volleyball in Korea is CIRCUS! Imagine some player from Zenit or Lube make something like this???!!!

Le Bron January 25, 2015 - 2:52 pm

This is All Star match. It’s a game for spectators, with a lot of fun! Two years ago, Muserskiy played as libero during the Russian All Star…


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