The head coach of Bulgaria, Marcello Abbondanza pointed out the extraordinary significance of the result, stating that the victory “is very important for us because we beat the best team of this tournament so far”. “It is a great result for us”, said Abbondanza, “we will try to prepare for the final tomorrow; a Final is only one game and everything is possible”.
As for Serbian team, the causes for the defeat were still on the mind of head coach and captain. “Bulgaria played very well and I am very sorry that we lost because we won European League last three years. Now we have to try to finish in third position”, said Serbian captain, Maja Ognjenovic. “They were better than us. We did not play well and I don’t really know the reasons for this situation”, commented Serbian head coach, Zoran Terzic. “Definitively, this is not good for us; we need to work harder for the next period, specially considering we have the Olympic Games ahead of us”.