Jackie Toussaint
In Friday’s opening match, Jackie Toussaint scored 15 points key for Aruba capturing the third place of the classifying phase. Aruba was superior in the blocking category 5-3 and in serving points 9-3. Chante Smith-Johnson led Cayman Islands scoring 5 points.
The rematch for the third place of the tournament is programmed for 6:00pm and the winner will advance to the second qualification round to take place in 2013.
“We came in the match with a lot of positive energy, we listened to our coaches’ directions and correct some mistakes from yesterday. We’ll go back in the rematch the same way” said Toussaint.
Anita Lansdell Cayman Islands’ captain was disappointed with the result but still with a good attitude for the rematch, “the team was too anxious and we lost focus, we still have one more shot to make it right.”
Igmar Ogenia, coach for the winners had a different combination for the third set “it didn’t work out, so I know what I have to do tonight to assure the win and the qualification.”
“We were able to gain control in the third set but the team is young and they also have to learn how to win” said Keith Higgins Cayman Islands’ coach.
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