Home » POL M: Facundo Conte in Plus Liga!

POL M: Facundo Conte in Plus Liga!

by WoV
source: plusliga.przegladsportowy.pl

This may be one of the biggest transfers in the Plus Liga history! PGE SKRA BELCHATOW announced the arrival of Facundo Conte from Dinamo KRASNODAR. Jawier Weber called him Messi of Argentine volleyball. Konrad Piechocki commented him and Bartosz Kurek who wnet to Lube Banca Marche MACERATA.


Facundo Conte

The 23-year old Argentine is considered one of the best volleyball players in the world. Coach Jawier Weber even said that he is the Messi of Argentine volleyball.

Facundo is the best young player in the wolrd. With him, my team has everything it needs to become greatWeber, who just became Dinamo KRASNODAR‘s coach, said. Conte played for KRASNODAR last season.

We are aware of the fact that Facundo didn’t have a great season in the Russian league, but that does not concern us. Many top players don’t make it there. Even Bartosz Kurek had problems” says the president of PGE SKRA BELCHATOW Konrad Piechocki.

Kurek also had the chance to sign with BELCHATOW, but there was no deal. “We spoke with Bartosz, and it seemed we would reach an agreement. However, he chose Lube Banca MACERATAPiechocki said.

Conte came to Belchatow with another Argentine player, Nicolas Uriarte.

They have been friends since childhood and wanted to play in the same club. Se we signed them both. It will be easier for them, especially because our coach, Miguel Angel Falasca, he is also born in Argentina. We made crucial talks about three weeks ago with Hugo Conte, Facundo‘s father, who is also a former volleyball player. Their contracts are not high, bearing in mind that these are high-class players.

Facundo Conte was very close to giving up volleyball. “I was met with constant accusations that I play only because I’m Hugo‘s son and not because I’m good. I was afraid that I couldn’t bear this pressure, but after talking to my dad I overcame this situation.

Facundo will replace Michal Winarski who went to Fakel.

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