Home » POL M: Skra Belchatow in semifinals

POL M: Skra Belchatow in semifinals

by WoV
source: volleyball.it

Skra Belchatow defeated Warsawska 3:0 and qualified for the semifinals. Falasca was elected MVP of the match.

Skra Belchatow

Skra Belchatow

Quarterfinals: Game 3 (21 March)

AZS Politechnika Warszawska – PGE Skra Belchatow 0:3 (14:25, 16:25, 23:25) Series: 0:3

AZS Politechnika Warszawska: P. Steuerwald 1, Wierzbowski 8, Zajder 0, Szymanski 7, Zalinski 9, Nowak 3, Wojtaszek (L); Gorzkiewicz 0, Krzywiecki 1, Kreek 2, Mikolajczak 8
Did not enter: Galazka
Coach: Panas

PGE Skra Belchatow: M. A. Falasca 5, Kurek 9, Klos 6, Wlazly 13, Winiarski 8, Plinski 6, Zatorski (L); Woicki 0, Atanasijevic 2, Bakiewicz 2
Did not enter: Kooistra, Mozdzonek
Coach: Nawrocki
MVP: M. A. Falasca

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