Bulgarian international made 23 points for Asseco Resovia in a win against Jastrzebski Wegiel 3-2, and his performance in the tie-break was just exceptional.
Penchev served eight consecutive times, and helped his team to turn the score from 1-6 to 9-6!
“It was my day. I was very motivated, but also calm which was very important. When I went to serve in the tie-break, I was sure that it will be a long streak. Honestly. I just had a great motivation, more than usual. Last season I served only float service, but I feel much better with jump service” said Penchev for and added one interesting detail which he is most proud of:
“One of my serves went 121km/h. It will stay my memory for a long time.”
You can watch the full game between Asseco Resovia and Jastrzebski Wegiel on WoVVideo.
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