Gil is an 18-year old setter who comes from Academy of Talents, which is kind of a youth sector of Jastrzebski. He will be a substitution for experienced Michal Masny, while the club sees him as a hot prospect for the future.
With this latest signing Jastrzebski has completed the roster for the next season. The team will look like this:
Setters: Michał Masny, Radosław Gil
Opposites: Maciej Muzaj, Patryk Strzeżek
Middle Blockers: Mateusz Kańczok, Piotr Hain, Damian Boruch, Wojciech Sobala
Receivers: Aleksander Szafranowicz, Konrad Formela, Toontje van Lankvelt, Jason De Rocco
Libero: Jakub Popiwczak, Adrian Mihułka
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