Home » POL M: 8th Memorial Arkadiusz Golas will be played

POL M: 8th Memorial Arkadiusz Golas will be played

by WoV
source: plusliga.pl

AZS Czestochowa, PGE Skra Belchatow, Delecta Bydgoszcz and Chemes Humenne will play on Saturday and Sunday in Miedzychod on the 8th Arkadiusz Golas Memorial dedicated to the memory of the tragically deceased young, talented volleyball player.


AZS Czestochowa

For the teams participating in this tournament it will be a good opportunity to check the forms before the start of the new league season. “This will be our first match for the team, so it will be a good test for us. We can see what stage we are at and what we still need to do to make our game look the best before the start of the seasonJakubb Bik said, libero in AZS Czestochowa.

Memorial tournament Schedule:


14:00 Delecta BydgoszczChemes Humenne

17:00 PGE Skra BelchatowAZS Czestochowa


13:00 Match for the 3rd place

16:00 Final match

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