Home » RUS W: Vladimir Kuzyutkin – ”Russia is still strong”

RUS W: Vladimir Kuzyutkin – ”Russia is still strong”

by WoV

The former head coach of the women’s national team of Russia Vladimir Kuzyutkin believes that the national team coach Yury Marichev made ​​the right decision not to call up for the best players – Tatiana Kosheleva and Natalia Obmochaeva, who continue to recover from injuries.



“It is always to be expected for them to have trouble, because they are real people. Believe that Yury Marichev made absolutely the right decision. Grand Champions Cup is not the most important competition of the year. We need to think about the future. If there is little threat to health, it means that the decision is made correctly.”

”But the composition which traveled in Japan, it is strong enough, though slightly weakened. Chaplina, Pasynkova, Sokolova are all high level players. We will not talk about the lack of Gamova or Borodakova, but the decision to return Sokolova is amazing.” Kuzyutkin finished.

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