Stanislav Shevchenko
Just to remind you, player got six months suspension, because he decided not to play for the National Team in the World League 2014
“The player did not have a good reason why he doesn’t want to play for the national team, so we have decided to suspend him for six months. We talked and came to the conclusion that he made mistake not to play for Russia. Now, he is suspended and we hope that the next time he will think before he rejects call from national team.” said Shevchenko for “Советский спорт”.
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As far I know Shevchenko is Ukrainian surname, he’s Ukrainian so don’t be surprised when he punished Russian volleyballer. Hahahaha.XD
I think it’s unfair and so strict, shouldn’t happen. Player should have right to choose playing in national team or not. Punishing him as a club member is the worst… no freedom…