Sada Cruzeiro
In the last matches of Day 3 Brazilian SadaCruzeiro scored victory over Club Atlético Bohemios in Pool A, while in Pool B six-time consecutive champions of Argentina UPCN suffered defeat from Argentinean runners-up Bolívar. These two teams scored the best results in this pool and will go to the semis.
Also on Thursday evening Unilever Lima beat Bolivia champions San Martin Cochabamba 3-0 (25-13, 25-13, 25-16) for a chance to fight for 5th place in the tournament. Jhoser Contreras led Unilever with 17 points.
The 2017 Men’s Volleyball South American Club Championship – results & fixtures:
Pool A
Sada Cruzeiro – Bohemios 3-0 (25-16, 25-12, 25-12)
Standings: Sada Cruzeiro 6, Montes Claros 3, Bohemios 0.
Pool B
Unilever Peru – San Martin 3-0 (25-13, 25-13, 25-16)
UPCN – Personal Bolivar 0-3 (19-25, 23-25, 19-25)
Standings: Personal Bolivar 9, UPCN 6, Unilever 3, San Martin 0
Today, February 24
For 5th-6th place: Bohemios – Unilever
Semifinal 1: Sada Cruzeiro – UPCN
Semifinal 2: Personal Bolivar – Montes Claros
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