She was the top scorer of the match with 17 points and her VakifBank won the prestigious trophy. Here are the full stats from the final.
VakıfBank – Fenerbahçe Grundig: 3-0
VakıfBank: Gözde 17, Bahar 7, Castro 16, Vasileva 6, Rasic 8, Naz 4, Gizem (L), Güldeniz (-), Ceren (-), Çağla(-)
Fenerbahçe Grundig: Lo Bianco 1, Hildebrand 3, Dicle 2, Polen 10, Kim 11, Eda 11, Merve (L), Meliha (-), Ezgi (-), Elif (-), Gökçen 1
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Gozde was matched against Lo Bianco within the FBG block. It is not so hard to score over her. Real MVP was Sheila. She is new here but veeery impressive. She is really good move by Vakifbank. After Glinka, Vakifbank lacks a real star, now Sheila seems to replace Glinka.