A post shared by Power Volleyball (@power.volleyball) onJul 31, 2017 at 4:28am PDT…
FitnessLatest news
Liberos, here is the drill you should try during this summer (VIDEO)
by WoVby WoVA post shared by Mikhail Karpol (@mkarpol89) onJul 6, 2017 at 10:18pm PDT…
A post shared by Power Volleyball (@power.volleyball) onJul 26, 2017 at 2:45am PDT…
FitnessLatest news
Drill for setters – how to make a quick ball for the middle blocker (VIDEO)
by WoVby WoVA post shared by Volley Roots (@volleyroots) onJun 26, 2017 at 8:34am PDT…
The first one would be to use a higher chair depending on the player’s…
FitnessLatest news
These 3 excercises will help you increase your vertical jump (VIDEO)
by WoVby WoVCheck out more Fitness articles. Subscribe to have full access on WoV PROFILES, STATS…